Current issues & Theories – Project 1 Creative Spark

Group member: Declan, Andrew, Tim and me (Gefei Zhou)

What is Creative Spark?

“To meet the recognised the need for a dedicated creative training and workspace facility in the county Creative Spark, Louth Creative Community Hub has been developed with a focus on the development of the creative enterprise sector in this region and the use of creative practice to promote social engagement.

Providing 50% dedicated training and ‘learning lab’ facilities and 50% affordable workspace, Creative Spark will be more than just serviced workspace. Creative Spark will offer an environment where creativity can flourish and where networking and connectivity are more than just buzzwords but become a daily reality for the creative community working, learning and meeting in the hub.”

About our project

Our project is about popularize Creative Spark, we had four times meeting about how we popularizing Creative Spark, and we discussed our project design. First, we confirmed our object is 16 – 60 years old people who are interested in creative media. Second we chose passing out business cards to people as our project design for popularize Creative Spark. Third, we selected Marshes Shopping Centre as the place for passing out business cards. Then, Andrew designed the content of business card and poster for our popularize.


19 Oct 2012, we go to Marshes Shopping Centre to pass out business cards. It is the first time for everybody in our group to pass out something in public. At the beginning, we all did not know what to do and we were a little bit shy. After about 10 minutes, we didn’t pass out even one business card to people. At that time, I came up with an idea. I went to a shop and got 2 boxes of lollipops, and then I told my group maters that we could give the people lollipops to make them stop and listen to our introduction of Creative Spark. This method did be effective, because there were a lot of parents walk in the shopping centre with their children. Kids love lollipops so much! As a result, the parents would stop and listen to introduction when I give their kids lollipops.

We spend 3hours on this job, and we passed out more than 100 cards, and introduced Creative Spark to more than 60 people.

Here is some information we introduce.

1. Workspace

Affordable own-door workspace for less than €50 per week

All packages including membership of Spark Plugs Social Club a monthly networking and learning get-together.

2. Meeting Spaces & Coffee Dock

Meeting rooms are available to hire fully equipped with AV equipment. Preferential rates and all-inclusive packages available for tenants.

A self-service tea and coffee-making facility with comfortable seating for informal meetings is available in the central circulation space.

3. Training Space

Training space will be available to rent by individuals delivering training in creative media or related business topics.

Training space will be used by Creative Spark to deliver targeted specific training meeting the needs of the tenants and community groups.

4. Hot Desking

Hot desking facilities from €50 per month

All packages include membership of Spark Plugs Social Club a monthly networking and learning get-together.

And we told people 23 Oct 2012 is Open Day for Creative Spark, they could come and see some project from Film and Creative Media student in DKIT.

At the beginning, we were preparing for the work.

We were passing out business cards.

We finished the job.

Group members (from left to right): Declan, Andrew, Tim and me (Gefei Zhou)

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Hacktivism (Blog Week 10 and 11)

“Hacktivism (a portmanteau of hack and activism) is the use of computers and computer networks as a means of protest to promote political ends.”

“hacktivism could be defined as “the use of legal and/or illegal digital tools in pursuit of political ends”. These tools include web site defacements, redirects, denial-of-service attacks, information theft, web site parodies, virtual sit-ins, typosquatting and virtual sabotage.”


Personally I am not interested in this type of organization like groups Anonymous and Lulzsec. And I think it can be used for good but can also be used for bad. People are able to know the truth from them. Also, People will be misleading from them.

“WikiLeaks is an international, online, self-described not-for-profit organisation that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources, news leaks, and whistleblowers.

The group has released a number of significant documents which have become front-page news items. Early releases included documentation of equipment expenditures and holdings in the Afghanistan war and corruption in Kenya. In April 2010, WikiLeaks published gunsight footage from the 12 July 2007 Baghdad airstrike in which Iraqi journalists were among those killed by an Apache helicopter, as the Collateral Murder video. In July of the same year, WikiLeaks released Afghan War Diary, a compilation of more than 76,900 documents about the War in Afghanistan not previously available to the public. In October 2010, the group released a package of almost 400,000 documents called the Iraq War Logs in coordination with major commercial media organisations. This allowed every death in Iraq, and across the border in Iran, to be mapped. In April 2011, WikiLeaks began publishing 779 secret files relating to prisoners detained in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.”

I don’t know that I could be convinced to become politically active through targeted social media or not, I would think, if a good thing, I do, if not, I will not do.


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Networked Public (Blog Week 9)

“Digital media and network technologies are now part of everyday life. The Internet has become the backbone of communication, commerce, and media; the ubiquitous mobile phone connects us with others as it removes us from any stable sense of location. Networked Publics examines the ways that the social and cultural shifts created by these technologies have transformed our relationships to (and definitions of) place, culture, politics, and infrastructure.”

I use facebook and twitter, But this is only because the some thing of college, I need use those to communication with classmates, I don’t want to leave too much information about me in facebook and twitter. My presentation online is very short, it only enough people who know me can find me in the internet, Doesn’t contain my hobbies, personality or other.

About Digital Natives,

“Due to the obvious divide set between digital natives and digital immigrants, sometimes both generations are forced to meet which commonly results in conflicting ideologies of digital technology. The everyday regime of worklife is becoming more technologically advanced with improved computers in offices, more complicated machinery in industry etc. With technology moving so fast it is hard for digital immigrants to keep up.

This creates conflicts among older supervisors and managers with the increasingly younger workforce. Similarly, parents clash with their children at home over gaming, texting, YouTube, Facebook and other Internet technology issues. What many digital immigrants miss is that digital natives grew up with technology and it is how they connect with their friends, perform research, and feel at home. Young people are not “addicts” or “bad” simply for using the tools of the world they grow up in.

Education, as Marc Prensky states, is the single largest problem facing the digital world as our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language. Immigrants suffer complications in teaching natives how to understand an environment which is “native” to them and foreign to Immigrants. Prensky’s own preference to this problem is to invent computer games to teach digital natives the lessons they need to learn, no matter how serious. This ideology has already been introduced to a number of serious practicalities.”

I think presentation online have two side, the employer may find and follow you in the facebook and twitter, maybe they will have interest in some of your hobbies and skills, also maybe they don’t like the current living conditions of you.

My point of view, the moral panics that have emerged around living in a networked public, it because people are feeling being monitored, and sometimes people don’t believe some information from the internet.


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Relationships online(Blog week 8)

The forming of relationships online may facebook, MSN, Twitter and so on.

“Online, barriers that might stand in the way of relationship such as physical attractiveness, social anxiety and stuttering do not exist. Whereas those could hinder an individual in face-to-face encounters, an Internet interaction negates this and allows the individual freedom. Research has shown that stigmas such as these can make a large impact on first impressions in face-to-face meeting, and this does not apply with an online relationship.The Internet “enhances face-to-face and telephone communication as network members become more aware of each others’ needs and stimulate their relationships through more frequent contact”.”

The Internet provides the opportunity for misrepresentation. Particularly in the early stages of a relationship when commitment is low, for example growing number of people on “mainstream dating sites” were married or in a relationship but posing as singles in order to start an affair. in the online world, there is no images and sound judgment, it’s difficult to measure the emotions and feelings of people, it is easy according to their own ideas to shape identity and personality.

Internet dating is becoming so common that is it having a noticeable effect on our culture at large. Although most of this effect has been a positive, one area of concern for many is the effect that internet relationships are having on existing relationships. Internet infidelity is relatively easy to hide and easy to proliferate given the asynchronous manner of e-mail communication.

I does not think the possibility for deception naturally increase in an online setting, in China, in somewhere from internet, we need use Blog Real Name System, you need your ID to register account. I think it can reduce deception. And I think that online deception is a personal act, just like in the real world of deception.


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Online and Offline Communities (Blog week 7)


Offline communities are most often bounded geographically, even if vaguely
– The process of communicating and building relationships online is different than offline. It takes a bit longer for deep connections to form but faster for weak connection to form and there is what I call digital body language instead of physical body language and it takes a while to understand and identify.
– Online, you may still not get the whole picture of someone because they they can still be relatively anonymous and you see them in a very discrete context whereas offline you are more likely to run into them in the grocery store, etc.
In many other respects, they are the same.

“Facebook has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. With its availability on many mobile devices, Facebook allows users to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and other acquaintances wherever they are in the world, as long as there is access to the Internet. It can also unite people with common interests and/or beliefs through groups and other pages, and has been known to reunite lost family members and friends because of the widespread reach of its network. One such reunion was between John Watson and the daughter he had been seeking for 20 years. They met after Watson found her Facebook profile. Another father-daughter reunion was between Tony Macnauton and Frances Simpson, who had not seen each other for nearly 48 years.

Some argue that Facebook is beneficial to one’s social life because they can continuously stay in contact with their friends and relatives, while others say that it can cause increased antisocial tendencies because people are not directly communicating with each other. Some studies have named Facebook as a source of problems in relationships. Several news stories have suggested that using Facebook can lead to higher instances of divorce and infidelity, but the claims have been questioned by other commentators.”

My point of view, Online and Offline Communities are mixed nowadays. Social reality that people often use the online contact, friends in the network there are also some offline contact.

Hanging around online to teenagers, I think most of teenagers spend more than 3 hours hanging around online, in most cases, young people use online chat, read news, play games. Nowadays, if the young people to leave the network, perhaps they will not to know what to do. For myself, I think hanging around online is a rapier, benefit is more fast and convenient contact with people, and more fast and convenient get news. Disadvantage is big waste of time to some not necessary and meaningful things.



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Fan culture (Blog Week 5 and 6)

“Fandom (a portmanteau of fan [fanatic] and the suffix -dom [domain], as in kingdom, freedom, etc.) is a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest. Fans typically are interested in even minor details of the object(s) of their fandom and spend a significant portion of their time and energy involved with their interest, often as a part of a social network with particular practices (a fandom); this is what differentiates “fannish” (fandom-affiliated) fans from those with only a casual interest.

A fandom can grow up centered around any area of human interest or activity. The subject of fan interest can be narrowly defined, focused on something like an individual celebrity, or more widely defined, encompassing entire hobbies, genres or fashions. While it is now used to apply to groups of people fascinated with any subject, the term has its roots in those with an enthusiastic appreciation for sports.”

Fans have become important to work in media sociology and cultural studies for a variety of reasons: they can be taken to represent a dedicated, active audience; they are consumers who are often also media producers; and they can be analyzed as a significant part of contemporary consumer culture.

In my opinion, the Internet has helped greatly in the Fan culture. We can see, many people have many fans in facebook and twitter, whether politicians, celebrities, singers or writers.

Different fans have different cultural, for example, football fans, the fans of each team has its own spirit of a cultural, favorite colors, team song and so on.


About Fan activity as a remix, I would say this activity contribute to the culture, a film called The Avengers, it can mix different fans together, It help to share different Fans culture.


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Rave scene in Britian (Blog Week 4)

Beer, Drugs and Dancing are essential in Britian rave scene.  And people wear diffierent  and colorful. 

Only problem is security issue, when people drunk or drugs, if we leave this two things, I think Rave scene in Britain have a positive impact on, because it can people give vent to their emotions, relieve the pressures of modern society.

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Moral panic (Blog Week 3)

The media has long been a central part of the sociological phenomenon known as ‘Moral Panic’.

According to Key Concepts in Communication (O’Sullivan, Fiske et al 1983)

“Moral panics then, are those processes whereby members of a society and culture become ‘morally sensitized’ to the challenges and menaces posed to ‘their’ accepted values and ways of life, by the activities of groups defined as deviant. The process underscores the importance of the mass media in providing, maintaining and ‘policing’ the available frameworks and definitions of deviance, which structure both public awareness of, and attitudes towards, social problems.”

Moral Panics in the media can formally be broken down into 3 stages

1.  Occurrence and signification

An event occurs and, because of its nature, the media decide it is worthy of dramatic coverage (“Full Colour Pics of Satanic Abuse Site”, “Razorblade Found In Babyfood”, “Terrorist Cell plot attack” etc) and the event is signified as a violent, worrying one.

2. Wider social implications (fanning the flames)

Connections are made between one event and the wider malaise of society as a whole. After the initial event, the life of the story is extended through the contributions of ‘expert’ opinionmakers, who establish that this one event is just the tip of the iceberg, and that it is part of an overall pattern which constitutes a major social menace (“Child abuse figures on the up” “Safety concerns at babyfood packing plants”,”Youth Groups targeted by Extremists” etc etc). Thus public attention is focused on the issues.

3. Social Control

Moral panics seek some sort of resolution and this often comes with a change in the law, designed to further penalise those established as the threatening deviants at the source of the panic (“New clampdown on devil-worshippers”. “Strict New Safety Controls on Babyfood”, “Hate Groups Banned”). This satisfies the public who feel they are empowered politically by the media.

Recently, I saw a news from internet, it’s talk about film KONY 2012.

Kony 2012 is a film created by Invisible Children, Inc. which became a viral video. The film’s purpose is to promote the charity’s ‘Stop Kony’ movement to make indicted Ugandan war criminal Joseph Kony internationally known in order to arrest him in 2012.

The film has spread virally. As of 9 March 2012 (2012 -03-09)[update], the film currently has over 16.1 million views on Vimeo, and over 70 million views on video-sharing website YouTube, with other viewing emanating from a central “Kony2012” website operated by Invisible Children. The intense exposure of the video caused the “Kony 2012” website to crash shortly after it began gaining widespread popularity. The video has also seen a number of celebrities endorsing the campaign including Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Christina Milian, Nicki Minaj, Bill Gates and Kim Kardashian. On April 20, 2012, as part of the campaign, supporters will put up posters promoting Kony 2012 in their home towns. Invisible Children offers posters from an online shop in an attempt to gain wider recognition on the issue. They have also created action kits that include campaign buttons, posters, bracelets, and stickers to help spread awareness.

Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony (pronounced IPA: [koɲ];[6] born c. 1961) is a Ugandan guerrilla group leader, head of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). While initially enjoying strong public support, the LRA turned brutally on its own supporters, supposedly to “purify” the Acholi people and turn Uganda into a theocracy ruled by the Ten Commandments.

The LRA is a militant group, with an extreme religious ideology that is a syncretic mix of mysticism, Acholi nationalism and Christianity, known for the atrocities it commits against civilians, including murder, mutilations, rape, and in some accounts even cannibalism.

Directed by Kony, the LRA has earned a reputation for its actions against the people of several countries, including northern Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, South Sudan, and Sudan. It has abducted and forced an estimated 66,000 children to fight for them, and has forced the internal displacement of over two million people since its rebellion began in 1986.

In 2005 Kony was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, but has evaded capture.

Kony received a surge of attention in early March 2012 when a thirty-minute documentary titled Kony 2012 by film maker Jason Russell for the campaign group Invisible Children Inc was released. The intention of the production is to draw attention to Kony in an effort to increase United States involvement in the issue. Michael Geheren, blogger for The Huffington Post, commented: “The 27-minute video was posted on Vimeo and YouTube by Invisible Children and became a worldwide trending topic on the Internet. Personally, I have never seen an outpour of support from people on my Facebook news feed like this.” More than 70 million viewings of the YouTube video have been reported.

The Daily Telegraph pointed out that the film has quickly received attention from celebrities. Elizabeth Flock, writer for the Washington Post, offered more background on the LRA as well as Invisible Children in response to the documentary. Flock and The Toronto Star stated that Invisible Children hoped to raise Kony’s notoriety enough to provoke a massive overnight poster campaign, planned for April 20, 2012.

Kony, I think it should a words about moral panic nowadays. The other day, I saw a news about The Invisible Children charity has been focused on obtaining the support of a select group of individuals in order to “help bring awareness to the horrific abuse and killing of children in the East and Central African countries at the hands of Kony and his leadership”. This list included 20 “celebrity culture makers”, such as George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Taylor Swift, and Ryan Seacrest.

The list also featured 12 “policy makers” that have “the power to keep U.S. government officials in Africa” in order to work toward the capture of Kony. This list includes former U.S. President George W. Bush and his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (although their administration pursued a policy of hostility towards the International Criminal Court), and U.S. Senator and former presidential candidate John Kerry.

The eyes of the world gathered here.


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About culture – mass culture and high culture (Blog week 1)

Damen, L. (1987). Culture Learning: The Fifth Dimension on the Language Classroom. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

“Culture: learned and shared human patterns or models for living; day- to-day living patterns. these patterns and models pervade all aspects of human social interaction. Culture is mankind’s primary adaptive mechanism” (p. 367).

Hofstede, G. (1984). National cultures and corporate cultures. In L.A. Samovar & R.E. Porter (Eds.), Communication Between Cultures. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

“Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.” (p. 51).

Kluckhohn, C., & Kelly, W.H. (1945). The concept of culture. In R. Linton (Ed.). The Science of Man in the World Culture. New York. (pp. 78-105).

“By culture we mean all those historically created designs for living, explicit and implicit, rational, irrational, and nonrational, which exist at any given time as potential guides for the behavior of men.”

Cultural Differences

Defining ‘high culture’ presents its own problems. Many examples of that which is considered to be high culture today have existed for hundreds of years. Often, the reason that these things have lasted for so long is that their producers and consumers had the wealth and influence required to preserve them. This is the reason that the works of people such as Tchaikovsky have survived to this day where many of the efforts of the poor from the same era, such as folk music, are long forgotten.  As these forms of entertainment have survived, so has their reputation for being high culture.

the world of media can be divided into three categories: ‘High culture’ captured by the elite, ‘mass media’ as defined by Carroll, and the ‘popular culture’ which, if left behind by the elite and ignored by the media industry, would now be called ‘folk culture’.

 For examples,video games provide one of many good examples of this. Modern video games often bring together art, architecture, classical music , actors and writers to name a handful. Most if not all of these things would be classified as ‘high culture’ if they were to stand alone. And yet when they are used to make a video game, the product would certainly be considered a piece of mass media.


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Subcultural about girl in Japan

There are 10 unusual Japanese fashions and subcultures about girl.

1. Sukeban

Suke means female, and Ban means boss. Sukeban were known for forming all girl gangs, and then committing acts of violence and shoplifting. Sukeban gangs first began to appear in the 60s. They were inspired by the gangs of boys known as Bancho, who hoped to one day join the yakuza. There was quite a range in size for the Sukeban groups, but the largest was known as the Kanto Women Delinquent Alliance, which included 20,000 girls. Rival groups would often get into fights. The Sukeban girls followed strict rules within their own groups, and breaking them would result in lynching. Getting burned with a cigarette was considered only a mild punishment. Sukeban were always seen in their sailor uniforms. They would wear pleated skirts that went down to their feet, and would custom embroider their uniforms.

2. Takenokozoku

The Takenokozoku were some of the first to form Harajuku into one of the best known places to view Japanese street fashion. The style was popular in the late 70’s and early 80s, and consisted of neon colored accessories such as beads, whistles, bows, and nametags. A store called Takenoko inspired the clothes worn by the Takenokozoku, which were influence by traditional Japanese fashion. Their outfits were loose and baggy, and usually hot pink or bright blue or purple. They wore robes with kanji characters, and slippers that were comfortable for dancing. Large groups of Takenokozoku would choreograph dances in the streets of Harajuku, playing the current popular music on their boom boxes.

3. Yanki and Bosozoku

Motorcycle gangs became popular in Japan in the early 60s, and became known as Speed Tribes (Bosozoku). In the 70s, girl motorcycle gangs began to appear. At the time, it was estimated by police that at least 26,000 Japanese citizens were involved in a biker gang. By the 80s, the number of male biker groups began to decrease. However, more and more girl biker groups began to pop up. Yanki, heavily influenced by both the Bosozoku and the Sukeban, often wore sarashi (white cloth wrapped around the chest), an embroidered tokko fukku robe, and a gauze mask. The Bosozoku also owned customized scooters.

4. Ko Gal

The word Gal has been used since the 80s in Japan to describe a girl who likes trendy clothing. Ko Gal was first used in the 90s by the media to describe an eighth grader who made $4000 a month for paid dating with middle aged men. Ko comes from the Japanese word for child, kodomo. Ko Gals tried to look as young as possible, by wearing the cutest accessories they could find. They wore their school uniforms with the skirts shortened, tanned their skin, and bleached their hair. And of course, the famous loose socks. Some girls would use sock glue to keep their loose socks from slipping. Although some Ko Gals of Shibuya did take part in enjo kosai (paid dating), it was not quite as popular as the media made it out to be. As the style spread from Tokyo to around Japan, Kogal movies, magazines, and TV programs became popular. Kogals were never seen without their phones, and they were some of the first avid young technology users in Japan. Ko Gal fashions has evolved into some of Japan’s present styles, such as Hime (princess) Gal. Hime Gal involves wearing expensive brand name clothing, usually of the pink and frilly variety.

5. Ganguro

Although Ko Gals had tan skin, Ganguro girls took tanning to a new extreme. They would tan their skin every week, and then apply foundation meant for black women. Ganguro literally means “Black Face.” Besides tanned skin, the Ganguro look included platforms shoes, mini dresses, bleached hair, black ink used for eyeliner, blue contacts, and white concealer used for lipstick. A Gal magazine called Egg featured Buriteri, one of the most well known Ganguro, on its cover. The look was popular with groups of teenagers in Shibuya, however, they were often harassed, or viewed by the general public with disgust. By the end of 2001, the trend had died down and tanning salons began to close.

6. Manba

The Manba style, which is still seen today, shares many similarities with Gonguro. The name comes from the word Yamanba, the name of an ugly witch in a Japanese folktale (Yamanba was a term the media used for the Gonguro). Because of the dangers of tanning, they often use dark skin foundation instead. Groups of Manba participate in Para Para dancing, or quick synchronized movements to techno music. Groups of Manba form Gal circles, the most popular one being Angeleek. Boys who spent their time in the same clubs as Manba adopted their own similar style. They became known as Center Guys (after Shibuya’s Center Street). Manba clothes and accessories vary, but are always trendy and garishly bright. Manba makeup consists of white lips and large white circle around the eyes. Colorful decals are placed around the face, and rainbow hair extensions are also popular.

7. Kigurumin

Kigurumin was a short lived (2003 to 2004) and strange fashion phenomenon. Girls who spent their time hanging out in Shibuya and wanted something comfortable to wear began sporting cheap animal costumes bought in party sections of stores. Along with a Pikachu, Hamtaro, or Winnie the Pooh costume, Kigurumin would carry animal purses, cute accessories, and wear manba makeup.

8. Nagomu Gal

Nagomu was an indie record label created in 1983. The label gained a large fan base. The name for fans, Nagomu Gals, first appeared in the magazine Takarajima. Nagomu Gals favored vintage clothing. They often wore long sleeved t-shirts, thick soled rubber shoes, and knee socks. The term Nagomu Gal was not exactly positive, as they were sometimes viewed as annoying fan girls. In 1989 the Nagomu label was shut down.

9. Lolita

Lolita is one of the most popular new Japanese subcultures, and has begun to appear in countries across the world. There are numerous Lolita brands, such as Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Metamorphose, and Angelic Pretty. Lolita fashion began becoming popular in the late 90s, and like the Nagomu style, it has been influenced by music. Gothic record labels in Japan lead to visual kei music, which helped inspire Gothic Lolita clothing. Visual kei refers to bands which wear extremely elaborate makeup and costumes. Lolita is also inspired by the clothing of the Rococo period. The name came from Mana (from the visual kei band Malice Mizer) who called the theme of his clothing line Elegant Gothic Lolita. The popular magazine Gothic and Lolita Bible came out in 2001. There are several different types of Lolita. Gothic Lolita involves primarily black frilled clothing. Sweet Lolita uses pastels, and lots of lace and bows. For punk Lolita, plaids and chains are combined with the frills. Wa Lolita incorporates traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimono, into the look. Accessories that are popular for Lolita include bonnets and headdresses, rocking horse shoes, parasols, petticoats, and frilled knee socks.

10. Decora

Decora is a Japanese street style popular today. In 1997, the magazine FRUiTS was created to display photographs of Japanese street fashion. Aki Kobayashi, the cover model of the first issue, wrote columns for FRUiTS about her style and how she created her own accessories. Soon, girls began making their own eccentric accessories. The style became known as Decora, and its followers traded and sold their accessories in Harajuku. Although each Decora outfit is unique, they all have the similarities of being extremely bright, decorative (hence the name), and cute. Decora girls wear an insane amount of plastic accessories and barrettes, neon skirts, colorful socks, and cute character products.

In sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, a subculture is a group of people with a culture which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong.

Nowadays, society is making progress, equality of the sexes, so many girl break from parental control, project oneself them unisex nature and no exaggerated masculinity and so on.

However, on the other side, it easy to cause moral panic, this is provoked by several factors, including boredom and the mass media coverage, encouraged the violence by
building it into a spectacle.


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